
Hye guys.. Thanks for keep on visiting to this blog. Any inquiry towards this project, please feel free to visit to this blog admin Thank you.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Support our team mate (O_o)

On 28th September, we felt so proud becoz The Wonderers had giving us an opportunity to join them in collaboration for the project community in Sabak Bernam. Actually, we do support our team mate although they are one of our tight competitor (to b frank!).. hehe. For us, the most valuable thing is we can contribute our knowledge as well as lesson-learned from past experience to help The Wonderers in educating the villagers to the ICT world. For further report, u may browse to their blog "maxisfeldaicttour". Tq for visiting!!

Best regards,
Project Manager XOXO!!!

"At Maxis, we don't believe technology is all that special LIFE IS"


Friday, September 28, 2007

Watch for the sign (o_O)

3 Musketeers posing with the banner

Hello guys!!! We received our banner this evening(it awesome dude!!! ). For those who want to access internet for free, please look for this banner on any Saturday (Absolutely in UiTM only) and you guys can join us!!. Join our activities. Active participant will get token from us . We only have another 2 out of 3 themes left which is "Leisure Time" and "Family Time" but dun forget to bring your own laptop... Lastly, see you all there.

Best regards,
Project Manager XOXO!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Spend da money

Hello guys!! Nothing much to upload today's report on this blog. However, we can't wait to face this weekend to accomplish our next mission!! Phase 2 is kinda cool because we are going to implement the next wireless zone in the pool!!. Believe it or not? Just believe it.. Our group motto is:-


Huhu~ Wait n see ya!

Actually, we have received our RM 1K yesterday evening at non-official ceremony from our supervisor Cik Rashidah Rawi. Thanks to MAXIS for giving us a chance to serve the community. We try our best to reach out the community. God willing, amin...

On this evening after finishing our thesis class, we have a chance to go to Master Prima Enterprise which is situated in UiTM Shah Alam to book a banner for this MBC project. By tomorrow evening we can have the banner hanging up in our mini zone area.. So, watch out u guys in UiTM Shah Alam.. Here we go!!!!

Targetted shop found!! (Master Prisma Ent.)

Peos, Norman and Faiz are busy with the attacking strategy

to produce final banner's design (Mission Accomplished!!)

Best regards,
Project Manager XOXO!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Project Report - 22nd Sept (Laman Najib)

On 22nd of September, we have started setting up Laman Najib as our first mini wireless zone prototype. Our team members arrived there at 11.30 a.m with hardwares and full of spirit (jiayou!!!). We have started with configuring the wireless zone and allowed participants to access to the internet.

The theme on that day was "ACADEMIC TIME" where student only accessing for academic purpose. We also provided them with a few academic websites as follows:


All the digital collections such as referred journals, professional articles, past year examination papers(UiTM) and even lecturer notes can be obtained and downloaded (i-Learn) with no charges for UiTM students.

Here are some snapshots that taken at Laman Najib (FTMSK):

All the participants preparing their new-look "lappy"

Numbers of participants coming to the activity, million thanks guys!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Project Progress - 19th Sept (Project Phases)

As a rule, Project Management Processes are concerned with defining and coordinating the activities and controls needed to manage the project. Because of that, we have adapted this framework as a guideline to run our project implementation throughout Project Life Cycle (PLC).

Diagram of Project Management Processes

1) Project Initiation:

We analyse what are the essential materials which will be needed for these events. We also list out which targeted places to start our mini prototypes. We also perform phase review (this is to ensure that our project is on track, we also prepared a back up plan for uncertainty risks).

2) Planning:

We plan our weekly activities, so we could organize, control and stick to our schedule. furthermore we have design our network architecture to establish the connectivity. Besides that, we plan to do survey regarding the benefitcials of internet toward the student perfomances.

3) Execution:

We execute all the activities that we have planned.

4) Closure:

We viewed the project completion by giving the result obtained from the survey in graphical form. Other than that do short interview randomly to ask for personal opinion on wireless facilities. We keep on updating our blog with the current activities and findings. As an extra effort, we have documented all the findings to propose to the higher level management to acknowledge them on the importances of wireless facilities in UiTM to be specific.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Project Progress - 12th Sept (Stepping Stone)

On 10th september we have received a good news regarding on Maxis CyberlinQ 2007 Competition. Once again we have been selected to continue our project to second phase and we will receive RM 1K..hurray!!! (perhaps, going to spend for the project. hehe..).

On 12th september, we had our first meeting in Lab 13 at our beloved faculty with our supervisor Cik Rashidah Rawi.

From left:Norman, Azim, Peos, Faiz, Asrar, Khai

To begin with, we have to choose a few places for our mini wireless zone implementation. We decided to setup Laman Najib (in FTMSK), Chancellery's Garden and Delima Cafeteria as our stepping stone of actual implementation.

We are going to setup the mini wireless zone by using hardwares as follows:-

1. Maxis Broadband High Speed Internet Access
2. D-link High-Speed 2.4GHz wireless router
3. Laptop (preferrable)

Lastly, prays for the success dudes @};-----

Best regards,
Project Manager XOXO!!!


We are in!! For real guys..

Dear our friends aka supporters team!

Happy Merdeka Day!

Thank you all for commenting in our blog UiTM Wireless Community. For the past couple of weeks after the Phase 1 deadline, Maxiz CyberlinQ 2007 Competition judges had a very tough period to select 50 semi-finalists (10 teams from each category) from all the great proposals received.

In conjunction with 50th Merdeka celebration, it is pleasure to announce Maxis CyberlinQ 2007, 50 semi-finalists who will continue with the Competition to Phase 2.

One of them is "UiTM Wireless Community.." Hip Hip HorraY!!!!


Best regards,
Project Manager XOXO!!!